GSGP to Lead Trade Missions to Vietnam & the Philippines, Brazil & Chile

GSGP is recruiting regional companies for trade missions to Vietnam and the Philippines in April, and to Brazil and Chile in June. By joining these multi-sector trade missions, companies from the Great Lakes St. Lawrence region can open new business avenues and establish networks in these growing markets.
Vietnam and the Philippines Trade Mission: April 20-27, 2024
Recruitment deadline: January 26, 2024
Brazil and Chile June 7-14, 2024.
Recruitment deadline: March 15, 2024
Participating companies receive a pre-screened, customized B2B meeting schedule tailored specifically to their needs. Additionally, participants will benefit from market sector briefings, networking events and comprehensive logistical support throughout the trade missions.
To make these trade missions more accessible, various State export assistance grants are available to offset up to 50% of the trade mission costs. GSGP Member States opened a new round of STEP grants on October 1, 2023. We encourage companies to register for the trade missions and apply for STEP grants as soon as possible, as funds are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and tend to be exhausted quickly.