Chair's Letter - August 2023

Forty years ago, this summer, Michigan Governor James Blanchard welcomed Governors from Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin to Mackinac Island to form a new alliance. A recession initially prompted the gathering that grew into the Council of Great Lakes Governors and what today is known as GSGP. Ohio Governor Richard F. Celeste had the idea to unite, and Wisconsin Governor Tony Earl was selected to lead the group. New York, Pennsylvania, Ontario and Québec joined in later years with the organization focused on protecting the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence.
From these beginnings, the Governors and Premiers have collaborated across four decades. Successes include the Great Lakes Compact and Agreement, a network of trade offices in 16 foreign countries and the Great Lakes USA tourism marketing partnership. More recently, we have united through the Great Lakes Impact Investment Platform and 100% Great Lakes Fish. Together, we have helped grow our region’s economy, protect our natural resources and improve the quality of life for our region’s people.
Many people and organizations have played a role in our successes and our ongoing work together. I would like to particularly recognize Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, GSGP’s Vice Chair, for his shared leadership.
Please follow GSGP on LinkedIn to stay updated on our work and to learn about ways you can get involved. We greatly appreciate your collaboration.
Tony Evers
Chair, Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers
Governor, State of Wisconsin